This photograph is what gave me the name for my business.
I woke up one morning to find this dragonfly perched on my balcony screen door. With my new digital camera, I shot several pictures, but there’s only so much you can do with a screen door as a backdrop. The dragonfly didn’t seem to mind me getting in close, so I thought I would see if it would let me touch it. I slid my finger under its feet, and it stuck to my finger. I yelled at my husband to get out of bed and get me backdrops. I shot a series of photos using sheets, paper and finally this red embroidered pillow as background. When I’d exhausted the repertoire of photos I could take with the dragonfly at the end of my finger, he flew off into the day.
I had been reluctant to switch to digital after spending 15 years with my film camera, but the series of photographs I was able to take with my autofocus digital got me hooked.
I had been reluctant to switch to digital after spending 15 years with my film camera, but the series of photographs I was able to take with my autofocus digital got me hooked.