Monday, October 26, 2009

Third year running!

This is the third year running I've photographed Michelle, Chris, Matthew and Emily. It is so wonderful to see Matthew and Emily grow.

This is my new favourite picture - very Madonna and Child. Michelle is so beautiful.

We've done our photos outside for the last two years, but the weather refused to co-operate this year, so we headed to the Muttart Conservatory, which is a great space for family pictures.

Co-incidently, Michelle and Chris were married here. I got this awesome shot of Emily pointing that out.

Matthew is an awesomely engaging child. He's smart, clever, funny, and can escape from dinosaurs.

Emily, on the other hand, likes to fly with them.

Emily has the most amazing eyes - her stare is direct and engaging.

She's a little on the shy side, but soon got over that.

Matthew is so cool.

I love, love, love this picture.

The stare again.

More coolness.

And, just so you don't think it all goes smoothly . . .

It was wonderful to work with you again!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Another baby

This site almost makes me want another baby. Thank goodness I have a niece!

Check out Baby Green Sprout - eco everything for little ones.

Their products are:
  • made with 100% certified organic cotton (free of pesticides) and natural dyes
  • made from recycled materials to help reduce the amount of waste filling our landfills
  • paraben-free and contain non-irritating ingredients
  • made in Canada and the USA supporting our local businesses and economy
  • chosen based on companies that produce their products with fair-trade and sweat free standards

And - a mom owned Canadian business. Whoo hoo! What's not to love?!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Location ideas

I've got some awesome location ideas rolling around in my head. If you have a shoot scheduled (or would like to schedule one!) let me know if you

-love ice cream
-adore movies
-orange is your favourite colour
-are expecting identical twins (please, please, let me know!)
-dig downtown (I have two ideas here)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I got to take pictures of this gorgeous family last week.

Billie called me up to ask what they should wear. I sent her this link, and this is what she came up with. I love it. Hot pink, orange and brown. Perfect for fall.

It was crazy windy at Rundle Park that evening, but the light was perfect, as were Miya and Owen.

This is one of my favourites. Its classic - I have two small children and the move fast and I love them a lot.

Perfect light.

Awesome action shot with Cory.

Beautiful Miya.

Love these orange circles!

Daddy time.
Mama time.

You can just tell from Miya's grin that she is full of the dickens.

Owen is a runner too. His mom and dad had to catch him to keep him still.

I love how in this family Owen looks so much like his dad, and Mia so much like her mom.
I love this family portrait.

Thank you for inviting me to spend such a perfect fall evening with you! And, thank you to Cherie for the referral.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Log Houses

As you may have guessed, I'm a crunchy kind of girl. I was going to have my basement insulated using spray insulation. When I'm editing pictures in the winter, its often 10 C in my office - way too cold. I really want to be warm, but I started freaking out about off-gassing and the use of petrochemicals in my basement.

I did a little googling and found this product. Made in Alberta and everything. Whoo hooo!

I immediately emailed my friend Karin who's husband operates Angels Log Homes. Of course, they already use wool insulation in their construction of log houses.

I am so planning for the day when I can build one of these. They're so pretty. And warm!

(And if you need awesome green-scaping in your garden, drop me a line. Karin is my go-to girl on anything garden related. I can hook you up.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Perfect Girls

Ok - perhaps not what you would expect to see from a professional photoshoot - but I think nose-picking pictures rock. Probably because I have been cultivating my inner boy, living with two small ones of my own.

Terri, feel free to use this picture of Kaeli as blackmail/wedding reception photos 20 years from now. You could show it to her first boyfriend if you don't like him.

(BTW - If Kaeli is demanding to see this every five minutes on the computer, let me know, and I will take it down.)

Ailey, on the other hand was channelling her inner princess. Practising for Halloween.

The fam. Way back in the day, Terri and I stood up for our friends Erin and James at their wedding. It seems ages ago. Terri and I reminisced for a while about our pre-children days and how fun it used to be to stay up until 5 in the morning.

The garden is yummy.

Here are some lovely ones of Kaeli She's so precious.

Ailey -

I LOVE this picture.

The sisters. Its always a challenge to get good shots of small siblings together. A bit like herding cats.
So cute!

Thank you Terri and Wayde for sharing your girls with me. They're perfect.