This is Ned. Is he not the cutest little baby, with the best name?!
Ned is pretty cheerful, almost all of the time, except the day of his photo session. He didn't nap at all the previous day, and was up, happy as a bird, until 1:00 am. When I arrived, he had tears running down his face, and his poor mom was pretty distressed too.
Lucky for us all, after a little quiet time in his room, the camera caught his interest, and he was (mostly) back to his old self. A little silliness from Daddy, and some cuddles from Mama definetly helped.
This is how they spent the previous night - hanging out with Ned, in bed.
'Cause I love the nose-picking pictures :). Actually, Ned is just at that stage where he's learned control over his hands, and all the cool things he can do with them.