At the end of May, I had some wonderful mothers (and fathers!) invite me to Fort McMurray to photograph their children.
Coincidence or not, they're all boys. A lot of them.
This is Jacob. His mom was surprising his dad with a picture for father's day. Note the "my dad rocks" t-shirt.

Jacob is a thinker, who uses his hands. He's sort of serious in this picture, but his personality shines through.

Having two boys of my own, I am in awe of people who decide to invite even more children in to their lives. You mamas and papas are AMAZING!
These wonderful boys are Bryan and Jared . . .
. . . who are pretty happy about the most recent addition to their family, Andrew.
This (I think) was my favourite picture of the weekend. Wee Andrew being held by his dad and his grandad. He looks so safe and secure.
Another amazing parent, also with three boys, is Carmalee (the boys in the previous pictures and the following are all the same ages and have their birthday parties together.)
This tiny redhead is Alister. I forgot how little (and soft and cuddly) newborns are.

This big redhead is Ardon. His hair is amazing.

And in the middle of the three boys is Rowan. Although he's the only blonde in the family, he's got some spit-fire in him.

You may remember
Alexander from a few months ago. If its possible, he's even cuter now than he was then.
His mom is so clever, she found blue paint, and its also called Alexander. I hope he appreciates it when he's older!

I had to include this picture. Tasia and Andrew travelled a lot before Alexander was born. The map on the wall behind him has stick pins in all the places they've been. They say that as soon as Alexander can carry his own backpack, they're off again. Parents after my own heart!

Thank you to all the parents of these wonderful boys for having me up. It was a pleasure to meet you. A special thanks to Tasia for organising it all.