Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day Contest

I know its short notice, but I'm one of those people who's really flexible about the timing of about holidays.

Being a mother is a tough job. Yes, its joyful and rewarding, often in ways you can't even articulate, but its also exhausting, both mentally and physically. Its so hard not to lose yourself in the role of "mother" and to remember who else you are.

At first I thought about running a contest with the prize being family photos. But then I thought no, I want to do something for a mama that is just for her.

So here's the deal: leave me a blog comment (or email) about a defining moment for you as a person. It can be about how being a mother made you a better person, or it can be about all those things you're saving up for when your children don't need you quite so much, like a studio apartment in Paris, or going back to school. It doesn't have to be long (I know you're pressed for time), but just a little something about you.

And the prize.* No kid pictures. Just beautiful pictures of you.

I had professional photos taken of me when I was 30, realising that was about the best I was ever going to look, and I'm so glad I did. When I pass a mirror, running after a screaming child and see myself with hair sticking out wildly and yesterday's makeup giving me raccoon eyes, I also run past the photo of me on my family photo wall, which in my head is how I see myself. Mostly serene. Only a few wrinkles. No grey hairs. No spit up or pizza or mud staining my clothes, and I'm grateful I have them.

I want to make you feel pretty (and you already are pretty, but I also have Photoshop). Head shots, body shots, boudoir. Whatever you want. We'll hang out on a Sunday afternoon, talk about who we are outside of our roles as mothers, and have a good time.

So, drop me a line. And have a great Mother's day.

*Includes high res files (~20-40, maybe more) with 5 artistic edits to print to your heart's content. Make a poster. Make wallpaper. Make a book. Judging of entries will likely be me pulling a name out of a hat.