Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My boys

I have no idea what Gabe is doing in this picture. He gets so excited about stuff. He often bowls us over (quite literally) because he is so happy to see us. He's like a puppy who just can't sit still.

A funny story, and so sweet, at Isaac's birthday last year, Gabe was sitting with his friends Isadora and Jakob on the steps eating their hamburgers, and Gabe said "I really love you guys." He's so freaking sweet!

And, my Isaac. Who could resist that smile?! He's into dressing himself at the moment - as you can tell (at least that's what I tell people :) ) He's wearing a t-shirt over his sweater, and his helmet, cause, well, he likes it.

Yes those are bubbles on the helmet . . . because . . .

I have no idea what they were doing. Just playing bubbles in the sink I think, and suddenly bubbles were all over Isaac, and as you can see, he's loving it.