Sunday, February 8, 2009

Things I am loving lately

Canada has a new magazine for mamas. And all the ads were products I know, like Hylands teething tabs, and Calme Forte (also known as "wild boy tabs" in our house) and cloth diapers and pretty bottles (because eventually they stop breast feeding!) without BPA.

Its so gratifying to realise I'm not the only woo-woo out there - although, perhaps woo-woo is the new mainstream?

Anyway - check it out: Blush. You can get it at your midwife's office (of course :) ) and Please Mum

Also, I know you're all dying to know what I want for Christmas (ok, I know its February, but I start now, and forget about it until December 23rd, and maybe other people are the same).

Leonie, at the Goddess Guidebook is doing some super-cool stuff. I love her Godess paintings, and her voice - its so positive and cheerful and full of love. Her blog perks me right up.

The Happiness Project is fascinating.