As you may have guessed, I'm a crunchy kind of girl. I was going to have my basement insulated using spray insulation. When I'm editing pictures in the winter, its often 10 C in my office - way too cold. I really want to be warm, but I started freaking out about off-gassing and the use of petrochemicals in my basement.
I did a little googling and found this product. Made in Alberta and everything. Whoo hooo!
I immediately emailed my friend Karin who's husband operates Angels Log Homes. Of course, they already use wool insulation in their construction of log houses.
I am so planning for the day when I can build one of these. They're so pretty. And warm!
(And if you need awesome green-scaping in your garden, drop me a line. Karin is my go-to girl on anything garden related. I can hook you up.)