This past Family Day, I was privileged to spend the day with Albert, Bertha, and their children, Tom, Brent, Renee, spouses Jesse, Ray and Eva, and the grandchildren, Connor, Ava and Anson.
This is one of my favourite family sessions ever. Renee had contacted me asking if for family pictures for their parent's anniversary. As you can tell from my blog, I'm not a huge fan of the standard family portrait. I'm more interested in documenting the energy, love and interaction between family members, so I asked Renee if her family would be interested and she said they loved the idea.
Pictures in winter in Alberta can be a little challenging, but the weather was absolutely perfect for our plans.
We started off at Bertha and Albert's home. That is everyone dancing in the basement. They do that!
After we got a few pictures at the house, we headed off to the park to get a few more.
I love this picture of Albert and Eva on the swing. They both look so happy. Eva and Brent live in Taipei, and this was Eva's first winter-time in Edmonton.
The babies of the family.
The whole family.
I am in love with this shot.
Tom and Jesse. They will be adding another member to this awesome family in March.
Anson was hungry with all the cold (for him) weather and picture taking.
My little man, Connor. Its been 18 months since I saw him last. He was 2 1/2 then. He still remembers me! Smart as a whip, this kid. He also remembered that Jesse and Tom had their wedding photos across the river at Hawrelak Park, and his mom and dad were married at the Mayfair Golf and Country Club.
I couldn't believe how big Ava was when I saw her. I guess that's what happens in 18 months!
Jumping pictures are awesome!
I love how Eva is right into the spirit of winter - snow fight!
It was starting to get cooler with the sun going down, so Ason was wrapped up in scarves and blankets.
I love this picture of the three generations - Renee, Ava and Bertha in the background.
It was starting to get cooler with the sun going down, so Ason was wrapped up in scarves and blankets.
Ray and Connor did a lot of tobogganing. Connor was fearless, even after they wiped out on this hill, Ray landing on top of him. You can see he's laughing really hard as soon as he gets our from underneath, and then he burst into tears. A little Daddy-love fixed him up.