Sunday, May 4, 2008

Family Hug

I met up with Jordyn, Mackenzie and Parker at the Space Science Centre last week, on one of the first nice days of spring. I had to resort to a little trickery to get these three gorgeous children to stand still long enough for portraits, but they were great.

I'm still editing the session, but these are some of my favourites so far.

Jordyn is so pretty. I promised I would take pictures of her being a cat if we could get one nice/normal smile for her mom. (Having a child of my own who alternates between being a lion, a badger and a cow, I totally get this!)
Mackenzie has eyelashes to die for. Seriously. And I'm not posting a picture of his amazing green eyes, because I don't want you to keel over in envy. Really, they're that amazing.
Parker seemed mostly unimpressed by my camera. I've gotten a lot of that lately. Maybe its the age. However, this is a classic move by a two year old and ten years from now, sometime in between the lack of sleep due to babies in the house, and lack of sleep caused by teenagers not being in the house, I think Mackenzie's mom will look back at this and say "I remember that" with a very wistful tone in her voice.
And finally, a little family love.