Wednesday, July 16, 2008

My Boys

I've been terrible at posting lately - life, y'know.

Here's a few of my boys since they haven't made an appearance on my blog for a while.

How cool is this picture?! An old school merry-go-round, the world's largest mushroom (I feel like I should capitalise that!), and my kids in their pyjamas.

Our dear Isaac is terrified of dogs (and cats, and cows, but birds are ok!). If the dog is more than 10 feet away, he's ok, and happy to talk about the puppy. If it gets any closer, he starts to shriek and scrabble up the leg of the nearest person. He actually touched a dog for the first time the other day. My chiropractor has this amazing, mellow sweet dog, that Isaac has seen at least once a month since he was born, and finally he touched Momo.

However, in this picture, he's looking rather suspiciously around my legs for Lucy. Who he hasn't known for 2 years. Just a couple hours. But, holy, is he cute!
Me and my little, swinging on the hammock.
Gabe, with his dear Meme.