Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Displaying your photos

For a photographer, you'd think I'd have a better handle on displaying art. Ususally, I avoid it at all costs - when I used to move every 8 months when I was in school, my pictures were often just stacked against the wall the whole time.

(The only thing I know for sure is you are supposed to have the middle of the picture - or the arrangement - at eye level.)

However! I was inspired by my client Michelle's wall display to make my own. I didn't have enough family pictures that went together, so I ended up rearranging some of my other art.

My living room was tidy for 5 minutes today (please ignore the state of the couch!) which I took advantage of to take these pictures.

(all the other pieces, except for the giraffe are my photos and are also for sale.)