Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Desire!

This is my friend Desiree, who is an amazing person, and one of the best mothers I know (if you're looking for childcare in St. Albert, give me a shout and I'll fix you up.) She's one of the few people I let take care of my kids.

Happy birthday, beautiful girl!

Des, with her family, Mark, Jakob and Stella (who was the inspiration for baby Stella's name).

Stella is awesome! She moves like lightening. We stuck her up on a statue to get her to sit still for a second.
Another family picture.

Adorable Jakob - he was born a week before Gabe - and that's actually how Desiree and I met - we were in the same prenatal class with our wonderful midwife, Barbara. Its so cool watching Jakob, Leif and Gabe grow together and seeing what's kid behaviour and seeing their individual talents emerge. Jakob is crazy physical, amazingly co-ordinated and active. Loves hockey (when he was 2, Mark made a hockey rink in their back yard - how cool is that!?). He's kind of shy, until he's comfortable, and then all bets are off. This is my favourite picture from our session. This is just sooooo Jake and Stella. Moving fast and being freaking happy about it.