Sunday, October 19, 2008

Its sale time!

Christmas is coming and I know I am terrible at buying presents until the last minute. Seriously, I have been out shopping on the 24th, and people have received boxes of oranges (I'm sorry!) or liquor (you're welcome) as presents.

So, for those of you like me - I'm putting my products on sale for one week.

Your order must be made by October 26th. Please email me or give me a call if you need help selecting sizes/need suggestions with ideas, etc.

5x7 regular $15 sale $10.50
8x10 regular $25 sale 17.50
11x14 regular $75 sale $52.50
16x20 regular $100 sale $70

8x10 regular $180 sale $140
16x20 canvas $250 sale $200
3'x3' quad panel $1000 sale $700
2'x3’ regular $600 sale $420
3'x4’ regular $1000 sale $700

Small regular$40 sale $30
Large regular $75 sale $55
Large (leather) $90 sale $65

Announcement cards (design and high resolution file)
regular $75 sale $50

or FREE with any order over $200.