Friday, May 1, 2009

Me and My Boys

Dear sweet Isaac, licking a dragonfly. I'm sure he would be horrified by this picture, as he seems to be a little sketched out by bugs.

That's my Gabriel - and why yes, he is pant-less while hanging out in the woods (with Meme). I'm not sure how that happened - I think he fell down and got wet and took them off. I'm just lucky they didn't decide to go swimming in the pond.

We were hanging with girls all weekend, hence the pretty hair things - but I do think he looks a little Rambo-esque (despite the pastel colours).

These were taken by my lovely friend Lana. I don't often get photos of me with my boys, so I'm pretty happy about these.
The slight look of terror on Isaac's face is due to the dogs Lucy and Gypsy. Isaac has been terrified of all things with fur ever since he was very small. (He's totally fine with having a turkey stick its head in his stroller - at Fort Edmonton - but, if its got fur, no way.) This weekend really helped to cure him of his fear though. By the end of the weekend, he was saying "I LOVE Gypsy. I LOVE Lucy." And since then, we were at a park and he willingly (without any prompting from me) approached several dogs to within 3 feet. This is a huge change from when he would see a dog half a block a way, turn and run toward me and scramble up my leg and body and try to sit on my head, shrieking bloody murder. I'm so proud of him.

What a family picture looks like in our house. Tongues sticking out, trying to get away. Lots of wiggling.

And this.
This is what happens when you give children markers on a road trip. "Look Mama, I'm a cat." Isaac started this one. Usually its Gabe with the tricky plans. They're so cute!